Properties | More Info | Isotopes | Allotropes | Spectra
Compounds | Reactions | Production
Atomic: M.A.C. | Reference
Diagrams: Shell | Atomic Radius | Electron || Images
Allotropes of Selenium
Gray (trigonal) Selenium [ Sen helical chain polymers ]
The most thermodynamically stable and the densest allotrope of selenium, which contains infinite helical chains of selenium atoms. All other forms revert to gray selenium on warming. In keeping with its density, gray selenium is regarded as metallic, and it is the only form of selenium that conducts electricity.
Rhombohedral Selenium [ Se6 ]
alpha-selenium [ Se8 ]
A deep-red monoclinic form of Selenium.
beta-selenium [ Se8 ]
A deep-red monoclinic form of Selenium.
gamma-selenium [ Se8 ]
A deep-red monoclinic form of Selenium.
Amorphous Red Selenium [ ]
Black Vitreous Selenium [ ]
The allotrope of selenium used in industry.
See Also